Azul Intelligence Cloud The Powerful Analytics Solution That Boosts DevOps Efficiency with Insights from Production Java Runtime Data from Any JVM  

Webinar: Java at Speed – the technology inside Azul’s new Zing release

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On June 7, Azul’s European CTO Simon Ritter will present ‘Java at Speed’, a webinar on the technology inside the latest Zing release.

Getting the most out of your Java applications can be an interesting challenge – but understanding some of the optimizations that the most recent crop of JVMs are able to apply when running on the latest servers may help with that. This webinar will discuss some of those optimizations, and how they are used inside Zing release 17.03, which was generally available May 2 of this year. 

Simon will highlight some of the coolest new Zing capabilities, while discussing how Zing takes advantage of new sets of instructions (like AVX2, BMI2, TSX, HLE), pipeline improvements, and core counts and topologies.

He will also talk about the advantages that the open source LLVM framework brings to Zing today, and what that means for future Zing releases.

June 7, 10:00 BST/11:00 CEST  Register today!

Can’t make the date?  Register anyway, and we’ll send you the replay afterwards…

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