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Supercharge Elasticsearch for Faster Searches with Less Infrastructure

Optimize performance

The Azul Platform optimizes Elasticsearch to improve search SLAs, reduce infrastructure costs, and turbocharge Java-based search experiences on websites, e-Commerce platforms, records (e.g., healthcare), content management systems, and more.


Reduce infrastructure overhead.

Elasticsearch users report at least 30% reduced infrastructure overhead; some have reduced their infrastructure needs by 5x with Azul Platform Prime.


Improve service levels and delight users.

Reduce stalls during garbage collections to meet the most stringent SLAs and ensure optimal search for users at all times.


Stay in-memory without thrashing.

Elasticsearch can safely use memory-based indexes of 8 TB and more.

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“We cut response times for the 75th to 99th percentiles between 75% and 88%, all without changing a single line of application code.”

Cody Bayer, DevOps Engineer
Red electric car being recharged

Supercharge Elasticsearch.

Learn how the Azul Platform improves your Elasticsearch capabilities while at the same time reducing the amount of infrastructure you need, delivering truly more for less.

Read the Brief
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Improve performance and reduce costs.

Explore how better Java performance drives infrastructure cost savings.

Watch the Webinar
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Using Solr?

Azul Platform Prime also provides substantial benefits for Solr users, including improved performance and reduced infrastructure costs.

Check it Out

Azul powers the modern cloud enterprise.

Azul delivers the turbocharged performance you need to handle the scale of Java-based big data while actually reducing your infrastructure requirements.