Discover Azul's high-performance Java platform providing faster speed, startup, & efficiency without code changes

Turbocharge Zookeeper Performance While Reducing Infrastructure

More flexible memory management with reduced pauses and improved cluster efficiency

When using ZooKeeper in conjunction with clusters, infrastructures, and technologies, the Azul Platform drives infrastructure cost savings and improved response times across data lake, data engineering, and big data analytics applications.


Reduce stop-the-world pauses.

We love when our customers tell us they reduced worst-case pauses by 10x.


Improve memory management.

Use larger heaps with Azul Platform Prime, and enable larger ZooKeeper-managed clusters.


Improve stability and performance of Hadoop and Kafka clusters.

Improve throughput by 25-40% when compared to using OpenJDK or Oracle HotSpot.

Black Porsche Wheel

Accelerate big data with Azul.

Azul Platform Prime reduces infrastructure costs and improves response times in ZooKeeper-managed clusters such as Hadoop, HBase, Kafka, Solr, Spark, and many more.

Explore Big Data with Azul
Kafka Logo

Using ZooKeeper with Apache Kafka?

Azul Platform Prime reduces infrastructure costs and improves response times in ZooKeeper-managed clusters such as Kafka, Hadoop, HBase, Solr, Spark, and many more.

Read the Kafka Brief
Workday Logo

Workday switched to Azul. Learn why.

Azul Platform Prime helped Workday reduce operational tickets by over 95%, reduce total pause time per JVM from 40,000 seconds per week to 14 seconds per week, and eliminate at least 42,000 person-hours over 1.5 years that would have been spent on performance tuning.

See the Customer Profile
The Total Economic Impact of Azul Zing eBook by Forrester

224% ROI for Azul Platform Prime.

A Forrester Consulting Total Economic Impact™ study found that Azul Platform Prime can save customers $2 million in three years.

Read the Study

Azul powers the modern cloud enterprise.

Azul delivers the turbocharged performance you need to handle the scale of Java-based big data while actually reducing your infrastructure requirements.