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Java Ecosystem Seminar with Azul and Payara

Last year, Oracle announced a new, faster release plan for the Java Development Kit (JDK) which has significant implications for the Java community.

  • Faster release cycles will bring most Java versions to end-of-life status in a matter of months.
  • Free public updates for older versions of the JDK will end – access to security and bug fixes will only be obtainable via support contracts.

What does this mean for organizations dependent on Java technologies for their core business?  How do you plan for the future?

You’re invited to a seminar where these issues will be addressed by two people deeply involved in these changes and how they will impact organizations; Gil Tene, CTO and co-founder of Azul Systems, and Steve Millidge, founder of Payara Services.. Both Steve and Gill will talk through the details on what’s happening with Java, and provide guidance on how you can prepare your organization.

Where: Institute of Directors, 116 Pall Mall,Trafalgar 2 Room, London SW1Y 5ED

When: September 18, 1pm BST


About the speakers:

Gil Tene – CTO and Co-Founder of Azul Systems.  Gil has been involved with virtual machine and runtime technologies for the past 25 years. His main focus areas include system responsiveness and latency behavior. Gil is a frequent speaker at technology conferences worldwide, and an official JavaOne Rock Star. 

Steve Millidge – Founder of Payara Services, a dedicated team of professionals devoted to the Payara Open Source Project, Java, and our customers. Its support engineers deliver worldwide 24/7 production, development and migration support. Steve is a board member of the Eclipse Foundation and a PMC member for the Eclipse EE4J project where all the Java EE APIs and RIs will be developed. 

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