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JPoint is a large international Java conference for developers, bringing together more than 1,000 participants. All JPoint talks are devoted to Java technical issues and solutions. Topics include productivity, concurrency, testing, distributed systems and high loads in the Java world.  Talks will also cover the future of the platform.

Azul Deputy CTO Simon Ritter will present two talks at the conference. His presentation on the first day is entitled: ‘JDK 12: Pitfalls for the unwary’, when he’ll look at all the areas of JDK 9, 10, 11 and 12 that may impact application migration. He will also look at how the new JDK release cadence will impact Java support and the choices we have in deciding which Java versions to use in production.

His second presentation’s title is ‘Local variable type interference: friend or foe?’. In this talk, Simon will explain the fundamentals of local variable type inference and then take a series of examples of the use of var and discuss the technical merits of each case.

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