Azul Intelligence Cloud The Powerful Analytics Solution That Boosts DevOps Efficiency with Insights from Production Java Runtime Data from Any JVM  

Azul Webinar with OpenSystems Media: Raspberry Pi 4 and Zulu Embedded Java: The Perfect Combination

The Raspberry Pi 4 was released recently, with a significant upgrade in hardware specification over previous models.  The question then becomes, how to exploit this power when developing applications?  Azul’s Zulu Embedded delivers a stable, secure and fully TCK tested binary distribution of OpenJDK for Arm, PowerPC and MIPS processors.

In this webinar, held in conjunction with OpenSystems Media, Azul’s Deputy CTO Simon Ritter will look  at what new capabilities the Raspberry Pi 4 includes and how these can be optimized through the Zulu Embedded binaries.

Performance is crucial, and identifying issues is more complicated in an embedded environment.  To assist developers, Azul has backported the Flight Recorder open-source functionality to Zulu Embedded 8.  This can be used in conjunction with the complementary Zulu Mission Control.  During the webinar, we’ll explain how this can be used to identify performance issues, both on a running application and using recorded information.

Register today!  Can’t make the date?  Register anyway, and we’ll send you the replay link afterward!

WEBINAR REGISTRATION – September 25, 2019, 11:00 AM PDT/2 PM EDT

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