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Virtual Event: Better Java Microservices Architecture

Microservices are becoming the de facto architectural approach to developing new applications. Breaking up monolithic application functionality into smaller services that can be linked together has many advantages. This is especially the case when deploying to the Cloud where adapting to changing workloads is essential and can have a significant cost impact. 

In this virtual event organized by the Houston Java Users Group, and presented by Azul Deputy CTO Simon Ritter – Java Champion and renowned Java expert for over 20 years – Simon will look at different approaches to the use of microservices and associated technologies like Docker and Kubernetes. 

For Java services, there are additional considerations like the speed of startup and latency effects from the garbage collector. He’ll also address how to minimize these effects.

Faster, better, cheaper, more flexible – this event will help you get there!

The event will be held on Wednesday, August 26 at 6pm CDT.


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