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Virtual Event: Java Forum Stuttgart 2020

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On September 24, Java Champion Simon Ritter will present at the virtual Java Forum Stuttgart.  The title of his presentation is: ‘Exploiting New Java Language’.

With a new Java release every six months, developers are now being provided with new features at a faster pace than at any time in its 25-year history. Several of the recent new features relate directly to the Java language.  In this session, Simon will explore in detail what these changes are and how best to use them (as well as advice on when not to use them).  He’ll also explain the significance of preview features.
Simon will cover all of the following features:
• Local variable type inference (JDK 10)
• Switch expressions (JDK 12)
• Text blocks (JDK 13)
• Records (JDK 14)
• Pattern matching for instanceof (JDK 14)
At the end of this session, you’ll be all set to write modern Java code!

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