Azul Intelligence Cloud The Powerful Analytics Solution That Boosts DevOps Efficiency with Insights from Production Java Runtime Data from Any JVM  

Azul Webinar: Turbocharge Java Performance While Reducing Costs

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Learn how companies are delivering better application performance and reducing their infrastructure spend by simply swapping out their legacy Java runtimes!

In this webinar – presented by Miles Dawborne, Azul’s Sr. Director of Client Technical Services, and Sales Engineer Caroline George – they will demonstrate how Azul Zing, a simple drop-in replacement for your current JVM, turbocharges your Java application.

Zing’s pauseless GC, powerful JIT compiler, and innovative warm-up feature, together provide unparalleled stability in environments like Apache Cassandra, Apache Solr, and any application that runs on a JVM. Realize more out of your current hardware and reduce your infrastructure requirements – all while improving your performance profile.  Furthermore, Zing is extremely low-maintenance, so you can focus on developing business-critical functionality!


Webinar Date/Time: Thursday October 22, 2020, 9am PDT/Noon EDT/5pm BST/6pm CEST

Cant’ make the date?  Register anyway, and we’ll send you the replay afterward!



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