Azul Intelligence Cloud The Powerful Analytics Solution That Boosts DevOps Efficiency with Insights from Production Java Runtime Data from Any JVM  

QCon São Paulo 2015


Tutorials 23 and 24 March, 2015
Conference 25 – 27 March, 2015

World Trade Center, São Paulo

QCon is a conference dedicated to disseminating knowledge and innovation to communities of developers. It is designed for the professional developer, reaching leaders of technical teams, software architects, engineering directors and project managers that influence innovation in their teams. The sixth QCon Sao Paulo will be the largest ever held in Brazil.

Azul CTO Gil Tene will be presenting a Keynote at the conference:
Date: 26 March
Time: 9:00 AM

And a session:
Title: Always Fast or Sometimes Fast? A look at dynamic optimization behavior in Java
27 March
Time: 15:35

Abstract: Dynamically optimized environments present unique challenges for systems where consistent speed is required. Dynamic optimizations do give us faster code, but can also bring temporary slowdowns, often at the worst possible times.

Whether it is temporarily slower trades at a market open in a stock exchange, or slow operations during a web application version rollout, significant slowdowns can lead to serious application behavior problems.

In this talk, we will provide an overview of some of the common JIT compiler optimization techniques used in JVMs. We’ll discuss the high value of speculative and dynamic optimization – along with their potential slowdown impacts in speed sensitive applications. The presentation will cover technical issues behind such slowdowns, and discuss techniques that may be used to avoid them.

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