JBS Dev is a strategic technology partner with full-time industry-leading developers, engineers, and architects working remotely across the United States. The company has been delivering innovative and pragmatic solutions since...
丸紅情報システムズは、最先端ITを駆使した付加価値の高いソリューションやサービスを、お客様視点で提供するソリューションプロバイダです。製造・流通・サービス・小売・金融業を中心とする様々な業界の知見と高度な提案力とグローバルな視点からお客様の差別化に貢献する最先端技術やそれを活用した新しいソリューションの開発力が当社の強みです。ソリューションや製品、サービスを通じて、お客様の期待を超える新しい「価値」の創出でお客様のビジネスを支援します。 <お問い合わせ先> 丸紅情報システムズ株式会社 IT基盤ソリューション事業本部 [email protected]
NEXTGEN is reinventing the meaning of distribution through leadership and innovation to stay ahead of Channel trends and to become the distributor of choice for vendors and partners in ASEAN....
Nomura Research Institute Ltd. engages in the provision of research, business consulting, and systems services. It operates through the following segments: Consulting, Financial Information Technology (IT) Solutions, Industrial IT Solutions,...
Palisade Compliance is the leading independent consulting firm completely dedicated to helping our clients with their Oracle licensing, contracting, and compliance challenges. Palisade has developed proprietary tools and services to...
Founded in 2003, our journey began with providing Oracle license expertise — being one of the first specialists in that area. We have evolved into a trusted partner across many...
QBS’ mission is to enable publishers and customers to optimise their procurement process and create value for all stakeholders, sustainably. Benefit from great service, competitive prices, and product expertise. By...
Shanghai Maiwang Information Technology Co., Ltd. is a company engaged in enterprise network security and data protection services. The company is headquartered in Shanghai, and its main users cover securities,...
SHI International Corp. is a $14 billion transformational technology solutions provider serving the needs of more than 17,000 corporate, enterprise, public sector and academic customer organizations around the world. It...
SVA Distribution Limited is a Value-Added Distributor for leading Security Solutions in Hong Kong. Focusing on Cybersecurity solutions, SVA offers the latest and trendiest security solutions from different angles to...
IT 서비스에 대한 요구 수준은 높아지고 IT 서비스 제공 비용에 대한 지속적인 절감을 요구하고 있는 상황에서 IT 조직 및 프로세스에 대한 효율화를 통하여 합리적인 비용으로 고객에게 고품질의 서비스를 제공할 수...