Azul Intelligence Cloud The Powerful Analytics Solution That Boosts DevOps Efficiency with Insights from Production Java Runtime Data from Any JVM  

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Faster Java Performance and Better Debugging

Research & White Papers

451 Vanguard Report – Java Renaissance: How Optimized Runtimes Address Cloud Cost & Performance

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The Risks of Unsupported Java

Research & White Papers

Gartner Report: Choosing a Java Runtime

Research & White Papers

Forrester Study: Azul Platform Prime® Saves Enterprises $2M Over 3 Years

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Webinars & Videos

A New Way to Control Cloud Costs–Optimize Your Java Runtime

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Project Panama: Seeing It in Action

Research & White Papers

A Guide for Controlling Cloud Costs

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Project Panama: What It’s All About

Research & White Papers

3 Competitive Advantages in Electronic Trading

Research & White Papers

Cloud Paradox: You Can’t Save Your Way to Prosperity

Research & White Papers

451 Market Insight Report: Cloud, Hosting, and Managed Services