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Live Webcast: Optimizing Java Performance with HotSpot


Azul VM Engineer Douglas Hawkins will be presenting this live O’Reilly Community webcast:

Topic: Optimizing Java Performance with HotSpot
Date: April 28, 2015
Time: 1 PM PDT (San Francisco), 4 PM New York, 9 PM London
Abstract: HotSpot promises to do wonders for Java developers by identifying hot code and optimizing it “just-in-time.” For the most part, HotSpot stays true to its promises. However, it’s easier to trust this adaptive performance engine once you understand precisely how the magic works. This webcast will help Java developers of all levels better understand what this virtual machine can and cannot do for them. By the end of this talk, developers will be able to use HotSpot to focus on solving critical performance issues with their code. They will also walk away with practical strategies they can use to implement a more efficient and productive development environment.

The event is free, and you can register here.

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