- Both buy- and sell-side organizations require predictable behavior in their systems. If a sell-side market maker has a predictably slow system, the prices can be adjusted by applying the appropriate level of spreads to prevent the bank from being targeted because they’re providing stale prices. If a pricing system has lower average latency but higher peak latencies than a predictably slow system at a competitor, the sell-side organization can easily wind up randomly sending inaccurate prices to the market and be cherry-picked by a nimble buy-side organization.
- By deploying Thread Manager with Azul Platform Prime, FX market arbitrage risk is greatly reduced through improved platform performance and the elimination of response time outliers.
- Thread Manager with Azul Prime is a game changer for FX traders, increasing price predictability and reducing risk/analytics calculation times while improving messaging and business workflow performance, and keeping arbitrage risk at bay.
- In a nutshell, Thread Manager reduces capital and operational expenditure by solving a performance problem in a minute as opposed to a month.