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Priceline Provides Fast, Accurate Data with Azul

Delivering instant hotel pricing data from thousands of properties to customers requires the power of Azul Platform Prime.

  • Travel sites must meet customer demand for accurate, timely data. The platform with the freshest, most accurate data wins. Priceline loves Java but got into a garbage collection nightmare that needed to be fixed.
  • Azul Platform Prime.
  • Priceline’s custom in-memory cache needs to handle massive amounts of data, and Azul Platform Prime makes it possible and practical.
  • Garbage collection is no longer a factor for Priceline’s operation, freeing up highly-skilled engineers from JVM tuning to go create new value instead.
  • After going live with Azul, Priceline’s director of engineering said this was the first time that software engineers had not been called in over a holiday weekend to deal with memory issues in the JVMs as conditions in the hotel market changed.

“Priceline has successfully used Azul Platform Prime for years in our large-scale Java applications where a traditional JVM could not keep up.”

Ken Kirchoff, Sr. Director of Enterprise Architecture, Priceline
A truly superior Java runtime using up to 50% less infrastructure.

A truly superior Java runtime using up to 50% less infrastructure.

Azul Platform Prime turbocharges the performance and scalability of your Java ecosystem with a hyper-optimized runtime that ensures consistent response times, reduces system stalls, and delivers better customer experiences—all with far less infrastructure.