Skybox Security initially deployed its exposure management platform on Java 8 using the Oracle JDK. But Oracle changed its licensing and pricing policies in 2019, increasing Skybox’s support costs to 7 figures for the Java embedded in its platform.
Azul has been providing Java runtimes tailored for embedded applications for over a decade. Azul Zulu® Builds of OpenJDK — available through Azul Platform Core — undergo formal certification and verification to ensure that the Azul runtime functions exactly the same as Oracle Java. Azul guarantees that embedding and distributing Zulu JDKs will not contaminate application code with open-source licensing requirements.
As an Azul customer, Skybox Security now enjoys lower Java costs, timely access to new security updates, and high-quality, certified builds of OpenJDK. Skybox upgraded from Java 8 to Java 21 after its release in 2023 with no problems, no cost increases, and no fears of an audit.