Discover Azul's high-performance Java platform providing faster speed, startup, & efficiency without code changes

Declutter Your Codebase by Removing Unused and Dead Code

Hosted By:

Erik Costlow, Sr. Director of Product Management, Azul

Inside this Webinar

Code Inventory®, a new feature of Azul Vulnerability Detection, helps Java engineering teams identify and remove unused and dead code. It is an agentless cloud service that uses information inside the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) offering a comprehensive view of what code runs in production with no performance penalty.

Unlike the typical approaches of static analysis or log line insertion, Code Inventory® repurposes the JVM’s first-call invocation to track what ran giving an easy treasure map from production systems that identifies full classes, public methods, or code that’s alive only because of unit tests.

Watch the webinar to:

  • Get an overview of Code Inventory®
  • Learn how Code Inventory® can help developers save time and money by lowering the burden to code maintenance instead of wasting hours during each library change or Java version upgrade
  • Learn how to identify unused and dead code and remove that code

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