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Optimizing Runtime Performance for Cloud Native Java Apps

Improve Java Performance, Reduce Cloud Costs and Leverage Cloud Elasticity

Until now, production Java runtimes have operated with a pre-cloud mindset: as isolated, self-reliant units constrained to local resources and limited compute capacity and analytical capabilities. 

Azul’s new Cloud Native Compiler introduces a cloud-centric approach that decouples Just in Time (JIT) compilation from the Java Virtual Machine (JVM); it is compatible with all Java applications and retains the full advantages of JIT compilation, unlike Ahead of Time (AOT) approaches.

In this Tech Talk, you will learn how to:

  • Outsource JIT compilation 
  • Right-size instances to reduce costs  
  • Revolutionize Java DevOps with fast startup 
  • Leverage elasticity at cloud scale with Java 

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