
Azul Platform Core Support for Eclipse Temurin

Backed by the industry’s best Java support company with a100% focus on Java

Cost effective Java support for new Eclipse Temurin builds.

Azul Platform Core Provides:

  • The most comprehensive and cost-effective OpenJDK support alternative to Oracle Java SE Subscriptions
  • Enterprise-grade commercial support for stabilized, well-curated Azul Zulu Builds of OpenJDK and high-quality Eclipse Temurin runtimes
  • Assurance and security for Eclipse Temurin-using organizations and businesses that require Java updates with guaranteed SLAs from a proven Java support partner

Azul’s Eclipse Temurin support protects Java-based organizations with:

  • Tiered services that meet your business needs – including 24x7x365 support coverage
  • Application triage, root cause analysis, and production issue workarounds
  • Guaranteed timely access to quarterly TCK-tested updates and out-of-cycle patches based on strict SLAs

Commercial Support Services Comparison

Product and services Eclipse Temurin Azul Platform Core Support Services
Eclipse Temurin Azul Zulu Builds of OpenJDK
IP & Licensing

Based on OpenJDK

100% Open Source, freely available
no field of use restrictions

TCK Tested
(guaranteed Java SE compliance)

Patent Indemnification
(IP grant to use the JDK)

Certified non-contamination
(through GPLv2 or other licenses)

Source Code Modified to eliminate contaminating paths

Indemnification against license contamination

Product and Support Services 

SLA for Quarterly Updates
(guaranteed timely access)

Support Service
(eg. 24×7, out-of-cycle P1 fixes, etc.)

Out-of-cycle P2+ Fixes
(independent from OpenJDK)

CPU/Stable Quarterly Updates 
(containing ONLY security fixes)

Product Lifecycle
(availability from GA of Java release)

6 Years

6 Years

8+ 2 Years

Access to LTS Releases
(Java 8, 11, 17, 21)

Access & Support for Java 6 and 7

Completeness of Update Offering
(CPUs, Fonts, FX, Installer behavior)

Support Services
on Windows, Linux, macOS, Solaris, Alpine

Multiple native installers & packages
(tar, deb, MSI, DMG, JDKs/JREs)

JavaFX Libraries

Verified TCK standards compliant.

SLAs for mission-critical deployments

Access to Azul Java Engineers 24 x 7 x 365

Access to Stabilized Azul Zulu Builds of OpenJDK.

Supported Temurin Distributions
Java Versions
Long Term Support (LTS): Java 8, 11, 17, 21

Processors: 64-bit x86 and aarch86
Packages: JDKs & JREs
OS Platforms: Windows, Linux and macOS

The best Java support in the industry. Bar none.
“Azul Support will stick with a case even if the root cause is not our fault. We will never abandon a customer. We will continue to assist the customer for as long as it takes to resolve the issue, regardless of whether it’s an Azul issue. We will work as a team with our customer, and with the other vendor(s) until the issue is resolved, however long it takes. We do this all the time.”

(Dana Roth, Head of Customer Engineering at Azul)

For additional information regarding commercial support offerings for Eclipse Temurin, please contact an Azul OpenJDK specialist today.

Azul Support for Eclipse Temurin

Frequently Asked Questions

Download FAQ

Azul Support Product Lifecycle

See Lifecycle

OpenJDK Comparison Matrix

See Matrix