Discover Azul's high-performance Java platform providing faster speed, startup, & efficiency without code changes

Fight back against
Oracle Java price changes!

Be a Java superhero and save your team from price hikes, the threat of a pending Oracle audit, and sales pressure to move to Oracle Cloud. Get heroic cost savings and expert engineering support for your Java applications with a certified compatible 1-for-1 replacement for Oracle Java SE.

A Trusted Partner

Greatest Value

Proven Migration Path

Secure and Stable JVM

The reviews are in. People love their
new Java super power.

“Azul has a lot of involvement in OpenJDK, and have put a lot of really useful general information into this guide along with some details of the Azul specific version.”
Mark Stephens, IDR Solutions

“If you’re using the Oracle JDK then you need to pick this up and read it. Make sure the reasons you picked Oracle JDK are still valid, they probably aren’t. If your job includes picking the JDKs for provisioning or for development then you should definitely make sure you’re familiar with the materials in the book.”

Shai Almog, DEV
A N M Bazlur Rahman, foojay

Customer Success with Platform Core

Reduced Java licensing fees
by 80% by migrating to
Azul JVMs.

Elevated security and stability of customers’ enterprise Java deployments.

Boosted their customer relationships by eliminating the need to buy JDK licenses.


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See How OpenJDK Compares to OracleJDK

Products and Features Azul Oracle Corretto Red Hat Eclipse Temurin

Based on OpenJDK

100% Open Source, Freely Available,
no field of use restrictions

TCK Tested
(guaranteed Java SE compliance)

Patent Grant
(inherited patent rights to use the JDK)

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Rationalizing Your Java TCO

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Life After Oracle Java

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Take Control of Your Oracle Java SE Pricing


Oracle’s New Java Pricing Model Is Like Cold Coffee – Send It Back

Scott Sellers / Feb 2, 2023